Monday, March 17, 2008

I like this poem of mine

So this is my latest poem. Special writing assistance props to my friends Kelly, Richard, and Nichole. They were sitting at the table helping me list intimacies. And that's the name of the poem - 'Intimacies'. 

by Kyle Reardon


/Holding someone's toothbrush/when she borrows your scarf and wraps it around and around on bare skin/sitting down on their floor/knowing his grandmother just died/

In the darkness under your skin the pink balloons in your chest slowly fill and empty

/Picking up their dog's poop/comfortable silence/comfortable sounds/laughing at an inside joke/close cushion room/plate sharing/shopping opinions/

Inside the tiny tubes wrapped around your bones warm blood slides down and up

/Knowing about moles you've never seen/teasing/making food/conversations on awkward topics/finding a hair and knowing who's it is/satisfactory anger/

Tendons curl their vines around your reddish parts

/Hair adjustments/honesty/sharing fears/knowing your middle name/


/And socks/

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