So I'm working hard on being a writer, but it seems that I have one major obstacle in my way. I seem to suffer from a terrible lack of productivity due to the fact that I don't live under an oppressive dictatorship desperately trying to stifle my work, doing their best to put forth the false visage of happiness and prosperity!
Okay, so I exaggerate. In truth, I'm just lazy, and I hate being lazy, and always, always there is a constant nagging when I know I'm wasting time youtube-ing Daft Punk videos (hence the image). It's true, I often have wonderful bursts of productivity and creativity, but I fear they are far too few and far between. So what's the remedy? Do you have a suggestion?
Here's a solution that I will try. I promise that for the rest of my summer I will spend at least twenty minutes a day writing something. Be it this blog, more of my terrible poems that I think are nothing short of history altering in their beauty, devotional thoughts on theology, movie reviews or— why yes! I am writing a book, thank you for asking! I should work on that shouldn't I? What? What's the title? The Misadventures of our Early Adulthood. Well, a working title at least. What's that? Why yes, it is entirely possible that a character is based off of you. You want to read it? Well I've only got about thirty pages so far, but I'll take comments wherever I can get them!
Seriously, you want to read some of it? I like it, and one of my friends does too, so there's you validity right there.
A thought on writing, tell me if you agree. I find that you cannot write well unless you are reading too. Sometimes I write things when I haven't cracked a book open for up to a week. I'm awful, I know, but what happens is my writing turns to garbage faster than your personal opinion in a film theory class. In my opinion, you must read to write, and this is a lesson I have to learn myself. I am trying very hard to keep reading, much outside class to improve my form and recognize the talent I should aspire to. My current read? In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. Next? I'm thinking of diving into some Cormac McCarthy, everyone can't shut up about him. I also enjoy the occasional dip into my Virginia Woolf short stories. (Addendum: how many writers have last names with different spellings of wolf?)
1 comment:
In Cold Blood is one of my favorite books! Have you finished? You should see Capote if you haven't already!
Also, I want to see this book you're writing!
p.s. I am posting "anonymously" because I am not sure I understand the other options
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